CloudLinux Announces New OS+ – Next Generation Operating System – It will be Released In October, 2020

CloudLinux Announces New OS+ - Next Generation Operating System - It will be Released In October, 2020 - HostNamaste
CloudLinux Announces New OS+ – Next Generation Operating System – It will be Released In October, 2020 – HostNamaste

CloudLinux are pleased to announce the next generation of our operating system: CloudLinux OS+. It will be released toward the end of this year, in October 2020.

CloudLinux OS+ was developed with shared hosting in mind. It’s a state-of-the-art operating system that gives shared hosting providers what they need: advanced automation, deep-look performance analytics, and centralized management tools. 

Intended for use by hosting firms, CloudLinux OS+ makes life easier for sysadmins, and also organizations that don’t have large IT departments. Read on to find out what makes it an excellent OS for hosting operations of any size. 

Features, Tools, and Components

CloudLinux OS+ includes a new performance tracing tool called PHP X-Ray. It provides detailed information on performance bottlenecks in web sites that use content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. If a site has slow plugins or slow queries, this tool helps detect them. 

CloudLinux OS+ includes centralized management for multiple servers. It enables sysadmins to monitor servers across the infrastructure, to identify users and domains that use an inordinate amount of CPU, memory, and disk resources. 

It also includes 24×7 priority support.

Benefits For Shared Hosting Providers

CloudLinux OS+ has been designed to reduce the operating expenses of hosting providers. It does this by:

• Reducing the amount of time and effort required to administer web servers.

• Increasing end-user satisfaction, eliminating outages so customers don’t churn

• Preventing resource-draining performance issues, which keeps equipment, power, and other infrastructure costs down.

Purchasing CloudLinux OS+

Due to the unique capabilities and support levels included, CloudLinux OS+ will only be available for trial and purchase directly from CloudLinux.

PHP X-Ray Beta Testing

We’re seeking beta testers for PHP X-Ray, a new performance tracing tool included in CloudLinux OS+.

NOTE: you’ll need CloudLinuxOS license ordered directly from CloudLinux to participate in beta testing.


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