SSL For Free is joining ZeroSSL to Offer Free SSL Certificates – HostNamaste

SSL For Free is joining ZeroSSL - HostNamaste
SSL For Free is joining ZeroSSL to Offer Free SSL Certificates โ€“ HostNamaste

We are happy to let you know that SSL For Free has teamed up with ZeroSSL in an effort to offer you an even more easy-to-use, complete and still free platform for all your SSL Certificate requirements.

In a nutshell, you will now be able to enjoy the following features:

โ€ข Free 90-Day Certificates

โ€ขย 1-Year Premium Certificates

โ€ขย Wildcard & Multi-Domain SSL

โ€ขย Domain Verification via Emailย 

โ€ขย Simple Management Console

โ€ขย Straightforward REST API

โ€ขย and more!

Important: New Account Required

Please note that you will not be able to use your previous SSL For Free account credentials to log in to the new platform. Instead, to keep using the existing product, please register for a new account using the โ€œGet Free Accessโ€ button below.

Need Assistance?ย 
If you have any questions about the new platform. Feel free toย Use Contact Form to reach out to SSL For Free Support.ย 

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4 Replies to “SSL For Free is joining ZeroSSL to Offer Free SSL Certificates – HostNamaste”

  1. Since the ZeroSSL “Free” plan only gives you 3 90day certs, no multi-domain or wildcard certs, or any other features, and did not work*, I’m not as excited as you are. I give it 1/2 star.

    *two requests remained pending for over 24 hours before I cancelled them ans used Certify instead

    1. I am sorry to hear about the issues you are facing with them, I hope they will read your comment and fix it asap. Please note that this is just the information blog post about the collaboration between those two companies only.

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