Google, Alibaba, Microsoft, Baidu, and More Technical Firms Team Up to Back Confidential Computing Consortium

Google, Alibaba, Microsoft, Baidu, IBM, Intel, Red Hat and More Technical Firms Team Up to Accelerate and Back Confidential Computing Consortium to Protect Data In Use - HostNamaste
Google, Alibaba, Microsoft, Baidu, IBM, Intel, Red Hat and More Technical Firms Team Up to Accelerate and Back Confidential Computing Consortium to Protect Data In Use – HostNamaste

Alibaba, Baidu, Google Cloud, IBM, Intel, Red Hat, Microsoft and four other companies have formed a group to ensure the secure processing of data while it’s in use.

The Confidential Computing Consortium aims to help define and accelerate open-source technology that keeps data in use secure. Data typically gets encrypted by service providers, but not when it’s in use. This consortium will focus on encrypting and processing the data “in memory” to reduce the exposure of the data to the rest of the system. It aims to provide greater control and transparency for users.

Now that more companies are moving toward cloud computing, the need for this type of technology becomes increasingly important.

“Protecting data in use means data is provably not visible in unencrypted form during computation except to the code authorized to access it,” wrote Mark Russinovich, CTO of Microsoft Azure, in a blog post. “That can mean it’s not even accessible to public cloud service providers or edge device vendors. This capability enables new solutions where data is private all the way from the edge to the public cloud.”

The Linux Foundation will host the Consortium. The companies will collaborate on open-source technologies and standards that accelerate the adoption of confidential computing. READ MORE HERE


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