Migration from cPanel to Plesk

Migration from cPanel to Plesk - HostNamaste
Migration from cPanel to Plesk โ€“ HostNamaste

HostNamaste hasย consistentlyย been focused on giving our clients the most for their money. We don not believe that you need to charge high prices in order to have good quality hosting service.ย Sadly, we have a new threat to the entire hosting market that forces even middle priced companies to take action. The company that provides us with our control panel called, โ€œcPanel, LLCโ€ was recently purchased by an investment firm โ€œOakley Capitalโ€œ.ย ย 

Theyย additionallyย boughtย the competitor to cPanel, called โ€œPleskโ€œ. Since thenย they control the majority of the hosting market, they have decided to increase their pricing to an extreme amount. Forย instance, the cPanel license for one of our serversย expandedย over 1,000% from $45 to $450 per month. They evenย venturedย to charge 0.20 cents per account. You can see the problem when we charge as low as $1 for web hosting, approximately 0.31 cents goes to the payment processor and 0.20 cents goes to the cPanel, that leaves us with 0.49 cents left to pay for additional software licenses like LiteSpeed ($46/month), CloudLinux ($14/month), JetBackup ($6/month), Softaculous ($12/year), support costs, server hardware, colocation fees, tax, others and somehow come up with a profit in the end. Their rates haveย expandedย to such a level that I have a choice of either raising our rates to make up for the costs,ย shuttingย our shared hosting part of the business, or move to anย alternateย control panel. I like what we do and want to continue offering budget hosting services, so we have decided that itโ€™s time to goย separateย ways with cPanel at this time.

We have decided to go with Plesk to be the next control panel for HostNamasteโ€™s Linux Shared and Reseller Hosting. They offer a very clean, modern interface, with features that can match with cPanel and pricing that is much more reasonable. We are planning to migrate the existing cPanel/WHM by the end of this month. We will do our best we can make sure that the migration is smooth and downtime is negligible. When the plans are set up, I will give an update with regards to the exact dates we intend to do the migrate and what you can anticipate.

In the event that you have any questions or concerns or have any additional questions, please feel free to submit a ticket to the managementย departmentย and I will respondย to it personally. Thank you for your understanding, support, and continued business with us!ย READ MORE HERE


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