What is Data Protection and Why is it Important? – HostNamaste

What is Data Protection and Why is it Important? – HostNamaste
What is Data Protection and Why is it Important? – HostNamaste

What is Data Protection and Why is it Important? – HostNamaste

In simple terms, data protection is the process of safeguarding and securing data from data theft, breaches, total damage, cyber-attacks and unauthorized access as there is constant advancement and improvement in technology over the decades. Major organizations, companies and others prefer storing data in digital form over paper-pen mode because of the ease of storing and accessing it.

Why is there increased Importance of Data Protection and Confidentiality?

There has been an uptick in data theft, breaches, and damage at a constant rate from the last few decades. So it has become very important to safeguard and secure data. Whether it is government organizations or private ones, each of them maintains some confidential data. And a data breach can compromise the reputation, credibility and prestige of an organization within moments. No one is unaware of the fact that‘’ today data and databases are the biggest assets for an organization and companies.’’

This data can be stored in the form of audio, video, images, texts or graphical illustrations, etc. So it should be among the utmost priorities to safeguard it from unauthorized access, misuse and data breaches.

Some Perks of Good Data Protection Measures:

Data protection is not that hard to follow, and apart from this, there are some perks of taking good steps to safeguard your data.

– Add Value to your Reputation.

It generates a sense of trust and security among the general public that you are the business or organization that prioritizes and cares about the security of user data collected by you.

– You Never Lose Your Data.

It is common for everyone to make mistakes; even geniuses play stupid sometimes. This can make you lose an important database or data files. If you have taken good measures to keep a backup of your important data and databases, you lose nothing because you already have copies of the lost one. So prevention is always better, cheaper and more convenient to follow than cure.

– Keeps your Systems and Data away from Malware, Ransomware and Viruses

Malware and viruses are the initial causes of data theft and damages. Viruses and malwares were designed and created for malicious purposes. A virus attack can make you encounter huge losses. You need not worry. If you are taking adequate protection measures to keep your systems safe.

– Kick outs Unauthorized Access

Hackers and attackers are always on the prowl to gain unauthorized access to data and use it without concerned individuals’ consent for dubious purposes. So good data protection keeps you worry-free from these kinds of attacks.

Some Dffective Data Protection Methods:

– Use SSL Security without a Second Thought.

It is equally important to keep in-transit data safe as it is to secure the data at rest. Sometimes hackers and attackers conduct MITMA (man in the middle attacks) to intercept, read, access or modify the ongoing exchange of data packets between the web browser and client’s server. Suppose you own a website or run a business that involves monetary transactions. In that case, it becomes more important to deploy and execute adequate cybersecurity products and measures to safeguard the monetary transactions being performed and data being transferred on your website.

SSL Certification - 5 Ways Your Web Host Can Affect Your Site’s SEO - HostNamaste
SSL Certification – 5 Ways Your Web Host Can Affect Your Site’s SEO – HostNamaste

According to the top security advisors, installing and using an SSL certificate or Secure Socket Layer certificate on your website is always better. It makes the whole session between the web browser and client-server end-to-end encrypted using PKI encryption methods, which means only you and your client have access to this session. And helps you to keep the bad guys at bay. It is wise to check website’s requirement before you decide to purchase it. For example, there are many SSL certs in the market and you can go with either single domain, cheap wildcard SSL (for subdomains security) or multiple domains security certificate.

Apart from this, it boosts your website in SEO results or Search Engine Optimization results. It equips your website with HTTPS or HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure, and major search engines optimizes better the websites using SSL certificate over the ones not using the same.

Clueless, from whom and where to buy one for yourself? It is recommended to buy SSL certificates from the reputed Certificate Authorities such as DigiCert, RapidSSL, Comodo SSL Certificates, etc., as they provide premium SSL Certificates at affordable prices.

– At times Self Analyze your Safety.

Always look at what data and details are visible on your website. At the same time, keep your website clutter-free.

– Keep a Data Backup

It is crucial to keep a backup of your digital data if somehow you lose your data or an accident damages your system and storage components. So it would be easy to recover the data lost if you have a backup. You can backup your data on the cloud or on your own kvm storage vps devices with the help of numerous softwares. Always prefer to encrypt the backup storage device with adequate measures.

– Better to Destroy Completely

Don’t just discard your old storage devices; it is always better to destroy them completely. As you discard them, it may be possible to recover a lot of data stored on them with the help of numerous data recovery tools, even after deleting them completely.

– Say yes to Software Updates in one go.

Yes, it is always better and an advanced way to stay safe from cyber attacks by keeping your software updated. These updates come ready and pre-equipped with the latest security patches and malware definitions, which can knock down these attacks at the early stages.

– Restricted access to Vital Files

Your business module should be designed so that a file should always be visible to the employees who actually need this. Like, an accountant in your company should have access to account files only. Deploy the principle of least privilege to keep your data secure.

– Use Strong Passwords

It is always better to keep a strong password, which is hard to break. A strong password is a combination of symbols, numbers, upper and lowercase letters. In addition to this, make a policy to change the passwords after a specific time.

– Run Security Checkups

Running regular security audits of your websites and business proves to be very helpful to stop cyber attacks.

– Train your Employees Well

Your employees are the backbone of your business; provide them with good training to identify the security breaches and tackle them on time.


It is equally important to keep the data safe as it is important to secure the other aspects of an organization. A data breach may make you lose your customers and clients, as you failed to secure their data. At the same time, adequate security measures give you an overall edge over your competitors and help you to make your aspirations come true.

Now you know what data protection is and what steps you should take to safeguard your data. Take adequate steps and stay ahead of the threats and vulnerabilities to your data. As we know it well,” Most vulnerable is the least secured.” So why take a risk? Investing in a good security protocol always proves to be beneficial.

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