9 Reasons to Choose a Blogger as Your Life Partner – HostNamaste.com

9 Reasons to Choose a Blogger as Your Life Partner - HostNamaste.com
9 Reasons to Choose a Blogger as Your Life Partner – HostNamaste.com

9 Reasons to Choose a Blogger as Your Life Partner

Are you looking for a perfect life partner? Then, it’s time for you to date a blogger because you can’t find a perfect life partner like a blogger ever. Choosing a life partner and realizing he/she is a blogger is the best thing ever happens to you.

I have listed out some reasons to marry a blogger. But that doesn’t limit the number. You can find a lot of added benefits to be the life partner of a blogger.

Are you ready to explore the reasons? Here you go!

#1. They Know the Value of Links

You want your life partner to share a strong linkage with you, right? Well, a blogger doesn’t usually fail in this regard as they know even a no- follow backlink matters.

The basis of a long lasting relation is the unbreakable bond or linkage. So, a blogger will never let you down by weakening the link because they already sensed the bad effects of losing a quality link.

#2. They can Sail a Sea of Adversities for You

It’s not an easy task to be a successful blogger. The way to the success in blogging is filled with both thorns and flowers. What you see at first are stings. Then only, you will feel the captivating odour and mesmerizing petals. And in order to see them, a blogger should keep the wheel rolling by working hard every single day.

So they are very well aware of the adversities life keep in stores for us. Believe it or not! They know the pain is transient as they can even recover a blog from a deadly Google penalty.

Looking For A Blogging LIfe Partner HostNamaste.com
Looking For A Blogging LIfe Partner – HostNamaste.com

You will get support from your blogger life partner in every bad situation, and he/ she will work on it to bring the happiness back because they think it’s possible like they recover a malware affected blog (hard but not impossible).

#3. They will Announce the Love to the World

Who doesn’t want to see her/his life partner announcing one’s love to the world, right? If you got a blogger as your life partner, you are the lucky person in the world, I would say.

He/she tries to find even a single scope to show the love to the world. Most probably, it is in the form of a blog post like “5 digital marketing lessons I have learned from my spouse”.

#4. They Remember every Special Day

After marriage, most of the couples fail to celebrate Valentine’s day and the other special days due to their hectic life and lack of memory. But no, bloggers have a keen memory in remembering special days like Valentine’s day, fathers’ day or mothers’ day because those days are the most benefited days in their life.

And if their event blogging income breaks all the barriers, you will get an expensive gift for sure.

#5. They Notice Every Change

Bloggers are too meticulous to overlook even a subtle change that they can perceive the smallest difference in their Alexa rank, DA or search ranking. So whenever you wear a new and astonishing dress, they will compliment you for your dress sense and elegance.

Everyone wants to be noticed by their life partner, right? Blogging life partners can notice the change in your hair style, bracelet, and almost everything.

#6. They are Confident

Bloggers are confident of their skills and expertise. That’s why they stay active even when something worst happens.

9 Reasons to Choose a Blogger as Your Life Partner - HostNamaste.com

So you don’t usually see them down.

#7. They have Immense Patience

Building a successful blog is a long term process. No one can create a popular blog overnight as it takes months if not years to have a top blog.

So, they will wait for your messages without being intolerant because they know you are busy with your work. And, they won’t scream at you if you make delay in cooking food a day.

#8. They are Extremely Caring

Carelessness is the graveyard-making-pickaxe of a blogger. That’s why they care about the blog design, content quality, on-page SEO, backlinks, social signals, blog comments, search rankings and income as well.

So they will call if you are late from work. And they will care everything about you in a comfortable manner.

#9. They are Financially Stable

I know most of you are aware of this fact. Every popular blogger is financially stable that you can go for shopping without having a reluctant husband.

If you are a man, you will be amazed to see how much money your lady love makes.

Wrapping Up

As I said earlier, these 9 are not the only reasons you should marry a blogger. Can you come up with a reason? I am counting on you. Just leave your thoughts down below in the comment section.

If you like the post, consider sharing the same with your social media fellas.

How to Start a Blog – HostNamaste

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