Top 10 Unique Ways to increase Sales for your Online Store – HostNamaste

Top 10 Unique Ways to increase Sales for your Online Store - HostNamaste
Top 10 Unique Ways to increase Sales for your Online Store – HostNamaste

If you are operating a WooCommerce store, you must keep track of your sales and market position. The popularity of WooCommerce is growing, and keeping up with the competition necessitates a well-thought-out plan. Otherwise, making a consistent profit from your eCommerce website may be difficult.

 So, in this era of eCommerce, how would you evaluate your marketing strategy? How can you be certain that your strategies will boost WooCommerce sales? Is there anything else you can do to boost your sales volume in addition to your existing strategy?

To be fair, your plan should be in sync with current market conditions. Even if you have your own strategy, it’s impossible to implement everything at once. We’ve put up a list of 10 unique techniques to boost sales for your WooCommerce online store to help you along your WooCommerce journey.

 Let’s get started learning how to boost WooCommerce sales without further ado.  

Top 10 Unique Ways to increase Sales for your Online Store – HostNamaste

1) Include Flash Sales 

Using flash deals on your WooCommerce site makes boosting leads and revenue much easier. By developing a sense of urgency in your customers’ thoughts, you may use flash discounts. Additionally, combining appealing deals with flash discounts will almost certainly boost sales.

 Customers would also hurry to take advantage of flash bargains if the time restriction is set. You may even highlight your flash deals on your social media company profile.

Utilizing a boost sales or flash sales plugin for your WooCommerce online store is a smart approach for managing flash sales. You may effectively apply urgency marketing through flash sales in this manner.

2) Utilize The Product Feed 

Product is trending and one of the most unique ways to increase sales. You will stay behind if aren’t implementing it in your store. Therefore you won’t be able to ignore it for long. 

 You may send product information from your WoCommerce shop to marketing networks. What are the marketing outlets you’re referring to? Search engine titans and social media platforms, for example, are marketing conduits.

For example: 

  • Google Shopping 
  • eBay Business
  • Bing for partners
  • Facebook For Business 
  • Pinterest Business 

Because there are over 100 marketing channels to choose from, the list is lengthy. You simply need to use the WooCommerce product feed to transmit your product details. So, Product feed plugins like CTX Feed can correctly convey product information.

3) Provide Discounts and Coupons

Who doesn’t want to get a deal or use a coupon while purchasing a product? Customers are constantly looking for discounts and coupons. As a result, offering discounts is one of the unique ways to increase your WooCommerce sales.

 On the one hand, you offer discounts in order to attract more consumers, increase sales, and improve profitability. Happy consumers, on the other hand, will buy affordable items and promote your brand image. As a result, it’s a win-win scenario for both customers and merchants.

Top 10 Web Hosting Coupon Websites to Save Money - HostNamaste
Top 10 Web Hosting Coupon Websites to Save Money – HostNamaste

Different discount schemes can be used. Price discounts, product discounts, bundle discounts, and other discounts can be implemented in your WooCommerce store. Showcase your deals through popups, banners, widgets, and other methods. You may also use WooCommerce discounts plugins from the plugin library to customize your discounts.

 Discount plugins from WooCommerce make it simple to handle discounts and coupons. But you can also explore the WooCommerce plugin directory for more extensions. 

The beautiful thing about discounts is that you can monitor and adjust the coupon parameters. You can appeal to certain client segments and persuade them to purchase your goods. Keeping this in mind, you must publicize your deals through the appropriate channels.

4) Minimize Cart Abandonment

When running WooCommerce shops, cart abandonment is a regular problem. Cart abandonment can be avoided and WooCommerce sales can be increased with the right technique.

 Send consumers cart recovery emails to remind them that they have abandoned their cart. For a variety of reasons, your consumer may abandon their cart at any moment. For example: 

  • Mismatch in price information
  • A rapid shift in preference
  • Shopper completely make the purchase
  • Looking for a more suitable alternative

Bear these facts into account, attempt to figure out why, and remind your consumers to complete the transaction. The most cost-effective technique for re-engaging customers who have abandoned their carts is to send them email notifications.

 Avoid using sales rhetoric or marketing content to create boring or bad emails. Send your emails and follow-ups at the right time and in the right order. Predict a delay in receiving a good reaction. Continuous emails sent in the right order will finally retrieve the cart.

Your clients will return to your store if your email has a captivating and genuine tone. WP SMTP, Mailpoet, and MailChimp are just a few of the greatest email marketing plugins. YITH Advanced cart recovery, Abandoned cart reports, and other particular cart recovery solutions are available. The technologies described above are capable of recovering a cart by sending emails within the correct order

5) Compensate Loyalty Points 

A loyalty program is another unique way to increase sales of your online store. With this approach, you can acquire new clients while also keeping the existing ones engaged. Customers will undoubtedly return to your WooCommerce store in order to receive incentives for purchasing items. Customers should be rewarded for their purchases with discounts or points. Let’s have a look at some of the ways for rewarding people:

  • Provide initial incentive points for purchases and gradually raise them.
  • To appreciate your loyal or frequent consumers, offer exclusive incentives.
  • create a separate campaign according to the loyalty program
  • Install MyCred, WooRewards, YITH WooCommerce points, and awards, among other plugins.

6) Give-Away, Free Gifts, and Buy one Get one Offer 

When it comes to attracting the attention of your clients, the word “free” is a stunner. It’s even greater if you pair it with the phrase “buy one, get one free.”

 Shoppers adore the term “free” and are constantly on the lookout for bargains in online stores. As a result, provide complimentary things to keep your clients interested in your store. If you can’t provide free things on a regular basis, save up for the right moment, such as special events or situations.

6 Ways to Increase the Sales for a New Web Hosting Company - HostNamaste
6 Ways to Increase the Sales for a New Web Hosting Company – HostNamaste

A buy one, get one free sale is a great method to reduce your inventory while still making a profit. Customers just want to spend more and get more as their cart size grows.

 Offering similar items is another wonderful way to boost your WooCommerce store’s eCommerce sales. Assume your consumer has purchased a Flower Vase. Simply provide artificial flowers, various sorts of flowers, and so forth. To increase sales, provide discounts on flower vase-related items.

Also Read: 6 Ways to Increase the Sales for a New Web Hosting Company

7) Use Events, Occasions, and Holidays to Your Advantage

People nowadays are ready to buy new stuff at a bargain over the holidays. Every WooCommerce store has a sales event in the fourth quarter of the year. We propose that you execute your sales promotion during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, and other major holidays. If you can take advantage of these exceptional days, your sales-generating volume will skyrocket.

 Aside from festivals, you might run a sales campaign for your customer’s special days. However, you must monitor it at the shop level. Always remember your clients’ birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and other special occasions. Prioritize your Premium clients and provide special discounts occasionally. They will eventually come back to your store instead of exploring other possibilities on the marketplace.

8) Implement Upsell and Cross-sell techniques 

Upselling and cross-selling methods are two of the most unique ways to increase sales of your WooCommerce shop. As a result, you must propose relevant goods to your customer at the appropriate time.

 How do you know when it’s the proper time? On the basket page, propose relevant goods to your consumer who is purchasing a product. You may also use pop-ups to propose items at different stages of the purchase process.

This up-selling and cross-selling capability do not need the use of any software.  Because it’s a pre-made feature that encourages shoppers to add more items to their shopping carts.

Up-selling Method

Customers may buy more things using the WooCommerce upsell approach. But how do you do it? You must suggest things that are completely connected to their prior purchase and will add value to it. You may then guide them to more expensive things that they won’t be able to resist ordering.

Cross-Sell Method

With cross-selling, you may encourage your consumers to buy more items or services. Cross-selling, keep in mind, refers to other items that are connected to the main offering. Extra accessories must be presented in the proper order so that your customer is attracted to add more to their cart.

For example: 

 Assume the consumer placed a pair of snow boots in their shopping basket. Cross-selling techniques will be used in this position to suggest items such as ankle socks, boot knots, or footwear products. But while upselling, you’ll be presenting similar but more expensive or exclusive items.

9) Promote and Engage in Social Media 

You must take advantage of social media as it has become increasingly business-oriented. It is becoming the favorite approach for marketers to boost WooCommerce store sales. However, rather than marketing things, you should concentrate on communicating with clients on social networks.

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Social Media Branding | An Ultimate Guide To Build Brand Using Social Media – HostNamaste

Imagine yourself as a consumer who is inundated with texts, tweets, and advertisements promoting your goods. You’ll rapidly grow weary of it, ignore the advertising messages, and never read it. This is where the term “engaging” enters the picture. Don’t just try to sell your products. Provide customers with a remedy.

10) Re-target Customers

Re-targeting is yet another unique way to increase sales of an online store. It comes at a price since retargeting clients who have visited your WooCommerce site requires a paid marketing strategy. 

 A retargeting campaign has a higher possibility of capturing clients than a standard campaign. Furthermore, you will spend less money because you are simply targeting potential customers.

Final Thoughts 

You should try out all the tactics that we’ve suggested if you’re running an eCommerce business and want to enhance sales for your WooCommerce store. These tactics were gathered via expert marketers who’ve had a great deal of success with high conversion rates. These tried-and-true strategies have also shown to be effective in dominating the market and your competition.

We’re not suggesting that you employ only these tactics exclusively because there’s always scope for improvement. Rather than acquiring new customers, you should concentrate on establishing recurring transactions.

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