A Beginner’s Guide For Shared Hosting – Get Started with Web Hosting in 2024

A Beginner’s Guide For Shared Hosting - HostNamaste.com
A Beginner’s Guide For Shared Hosting – HostNamaste.com

A Beginner’s Guide For Shared Hosting – Get Started with Web Hosting in 2024

In order to run your website on the internet, you need to get an appropriate hosting plan, through which you may host your website on the server. Here I will provide the required details about the Shared Hosting and how it can be beneficial for you from the beginning of your hosting service.

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared hosting allows more than one website to share the resources of a server. Therefore, multiple websites can be hosted on the same shared server. All the hosting service providers usually provide more than enough resources for a single website, so by partitioning that same server for multiple websites, the hosting server providers profit themselves.

Due to this, it is also cheaper to get a shared hosting plan against any other type of plan. However, still the question arises, is it worth it? Should you go for a private server, providing extensive capabilities, such as more power, space etc., or opt for the economically friendly shared hosting plans? It depends on your needs and requirements specifically. If you do not expect thousands of visitors, using some extensive web widgets on your website, you need to go for shared hosting plan, as it will be able to cover your requirements.

Why Shared Hosting Can Be Beneficial?

Having a Good Shared Hosting plan is a necessary, as it ensures you get the proper services. A good shared hosting plan will allow you to take your necessary space and speed, without having to compromise the limited resources. You can also have more than one website take up parts of one server, so the whole server is only dedicated to your websites. This is the best case scenario, as you can set the amount of resources each of your website will get. If a website is more demanding in it’s design, outlet and widgets, you can assign it more space, while other websites take up lesser space.

This can be considered the deciding feature of many people opting for the shared hosting plan. The thing to take care of is that it is really easy to overstep a server’s, which is why you must ensure that your resources are being managed properly, so that other websites are not hassled in their working. If one of your website takes up more resources than allotted, the other websites may go into a downtime.

Shared Hosting is effectively the cheapest and most popular form of web hosting, all across the globe. If we are to analyse the true reason behind shared hosting’s popularity, we can witness that a number of new websites are entering the world of internet at a very fast pace. These websites, which are mostly created by small firms for their services, do not necessarily have the expenses to bear proper hosting cost. As a result, company owners tend to opt for the cheapest form of hosting service available, which is shared hosting.

Different web hosting companies have their own hosting plans, with varied set up and several pricing option. The basic reason why shared hosting has its name, because it based on the concept of sharing resources on a server. One server can be divided into several parts, which can then by used by hundreds of websites. All resources, such as disk space, random access memory (RAM), central processing unit (CPU), operating system and even bandwidth is common to all the websites on the server, which is an extremely important factor.

Opting Shared Hosting Plans

There are a number of shared hosting providers, which allow you to take the finest plans. Most of the websites that you open nowadays run on a shared hosting server, as one website is not able to fully utilize a server’s resources. The site must be running some heavy applications and static elements to actually be able to take up all the server’s space. Most websites, which do take up such kind of spaces have large account of databases, or static elements.

While searching for a shared hosting plan, you must make sure that the shared hosting plan match your requirements. It should be able to offer you the necessary space that your site needs, and additional Features, such a SSL certificate, should also be considered. You must look into different providers plans, and compare them according to your needs, requirements and budget. Here are our Shared Hosting Plans.

Why This Hosting is the Cheapest?

As it is the cheapest form of hosting available, you can find suitable pricing options really easily. This is also commonly used as cPanel Hosting, as it comes with a control panel, consisting of Features, such as FTP, database, control email accounts, website’s statistics etc. All of these features play a crucial role in reviewing the overall direction and performance of the site progress. cPanel hosting comes as a blessing for webmasters, who have a limited and tight budget for conducting all their site operations.

There are several websites running on the same server, and various hosting companies provide both limited and unlimited disk-space to their clients. Even if you are bound by limited resources on the server, if the server is not full, and is only half filled with websites, you can freely use the server’s resources according to your needs and requirements. This is why it is necessary for you to consider the best shared hosting plan, when looking for one. One of the finest and most profitable shared hosting plans are offered by us HostNamaste, which you must check.


This web hosting type is considered as the optimal choice for news blogs, as these kind of blogs do not require heavy content, such as flash objects, audios or videos, which needs a higher amount of bandwidth space. It is also a good choice for personal blogs, which only require minimal bandwidth and resources. If you wish to create a website, which will still hold an average amount of traffic, you need to opt for the most affordable hosting option, which is shared hosting.

All the websites share a common pool of resources, so you need to make sure that you properly calculate the amount of resources required by the website.

Why You Should Choose Shared Hosting - HostNamaste

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