While living in the middle of a digital Renaissance, there is no point in denying the benefits of an SEO strategy for boosting the ranking of your website. The market at the moment is a hotbox of aggressive competition with websites competing with each other for that coved rank on Google’s first page.
Now there are several aspects attached to the concept of ranking. There are so many factors that go into play in this case. Among all the factors we know, link building is perhaps the most vital yet overlooked factor that goes into play. In fact, if you are not doing link building, you are missing out on so much.
Keep reading to find out more on the same.
Why Is Link Building Important For Ranking In SEO?
This question is pretty common, and we are here to tell you how if you choose to build backlinks, you will probably do your sites a whole lot of work. So, without wasting any further time, scroll down and find out why link building is important for ranking in SEO.

1) Link Building Is Equal To Increased Credibility:
Good quality links are a type of third-party indicator for calculating the strength of your domain authority, thereby providing credibility to your website. Your site’s credibility factor increases with the increase in top-quality links on your published site content.
Thus, you need to focus on building links only from websites with authority. After all, six top-quality links are any day better than 60 random links. In fact, instead of focusing on obtaining all ten links from one website, work towards obtaining one link from ten separate websites. Build links and increase your credibility in the eyes of search engines.
2) Link Building Is A Vital Ranking Factor:
An SEO strategy without link building is a vital indication that you are probably not considering several ranking factors. Links are so crucial to rank that even if your content is great, it probably won’t rank without links. For ranking higher than any competing website, you need a relatively more number of backlinks.
Thus if you are planning to create authentic content for your sites, it is better you do the same for your link building strategy. Aim towards creating links that are relevant, diverse, and trusted for achieving better results in the process.
3) Link Building Boosts Visibility:
If brand awareness is your goal, then there is every reason for you to start considering link building as a part of your SEO strategy. One of the biggest contributions of link building in this context is increased exposure and visibility. Since backlinks already improve search rankings, they can also help in generating links that are credible.
For instance, let’s assume you want to target a specific geographical location, link building can really help you in that case by simply increasing awareness in that particular location. If you do use link building for such purposes, you will soon notice how beneficial it is for your business!
4) Link Building Decreases Bounce Rates
The world’s most powerful search engine defines bounce rates as ‘the number of single-page sessions.’ Simply put, this refers to all those site visitors who just checked out a single page on your website and never bothered to check out the website as a whole. Link building can help you beat this if you think about it.
While building your backlink strategy for SEO, you need to focus on making an organic blend of inbound and internal links. Internal linking will make it pretty easy for Google to navigate your website. When visitors are roaming in and around your website content, it will only increase the session time, thereby helping you to reduce bounce rates.
5) Link Building Boosts Revenue Opportunities:
This logic is pretty simple! If you are going to get more website traffic because of excellent link building practices, it is only a matter of time the same boost your sales and revenues. You might think some online promotion of your content is the only way to boost revenue opportunities, but that is exactly where you are making a mistake.
When your website traffic increases with top-quality link building, your site visibility will also increase and, accordingly, your opportunities for monetization. This is because more traffic and visibility means more visitors to your sites. And more visitors simply mean more sale opportunities.
And It’s A Wrap!
Now that you have a fair idea about how link building helps in ranking for SEO, we are hoping that you will consider the same. If you are facing difficulties finding the right kind of guidance, you can always get in touch with an expert link building agency. These agencies specialize in building quality links – so why not give them a try in case you have no alternative.
Don’t forget to let us know in the comments below your thoughts on the same.
I’ve read a lot of articles on SEO, but this one stands out for its clarity and practical advice. Well done!